Friday, January 25, 2008

Nathaniel Hawthorne lives here?!

Two Hawthorne Boulevard 002, originally uploaded by dmoisan.

When I rail against over-entitled "historic" property owners and snob Salemites (Hi, Washington Square! Hi, Federal!), a bitter gibe I'll never stop making is that these people really think Nathaniel Hawthorne lives in their building or in their neighborhood, spreading historic character, not to mention property values.

At Two Hawthorne Boulevard, it's really true! This is a sheet of paper printed off a realtor's color laser and stuck to the corner of The Old Spot, kitty-corner from the hotel.

According to the website, units start at $200K for one bedroom. Nathaniel can be your neighbor at no extra charge. Granite countertops, too!


Anonymous said...

I looked at that 2 bedroom about 8 months ago, it was $300K then and it was too much, now its way too much.

Catreona said...

David, that's disgusting! How do people live? And, who are all these people who *can* afford that for an apartment? I certainly don't know anyone in such a bracket.

David Moisan said...

Remember that "anyone" is not those with families. 1 and 2 bedroom condos aren't for families but for "professionals"; those singles or couples with no kids but plenty of equity, er., debt.

300K isn't even the highest downtown; the units at Town House Square were north of 400K a few years ago.

Anonymous said...

These condos are the biggest pieces of crap that were ever built! There has been a lawsuit against the Old Spot for noise, the developer used little if ANY insulation between walls and floors and the electrical has never worked properly... save your money, NEVER EVER buy one of these condos! YOU WILL REGRET IT! I PROMISE YOU!!!